Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Importance of Hiring Workers Compensation Lawyer

There are several occasions when problems occur at your workplace, even if you took all the safety precautions available. The risk of your job will usually depend on the nature of each task. Unfortunately, workplace injuries can cause more trouble for  you. It can mean you will be unable to work, or earn for your family and your personal needs. This is the reason why it is absolutely important to hire a professional who can handle work-related injury and accident cases.

Benefits of Getting A Lawyer

There are small chances for the best results if there's no professional guidance from a lawyer or attorney. Without the help of a legal professional, you'll find yourself confused with all the different terms. The toughest part is dealing with the insurance carrier who may just settle the case right away even if it's not yet ready.

While it is more unlikely for you to be a lawyer, understanding the specifics of the law can be a pain. Among the most tedious parts are the documentation and the actual filing of the case. The help and services of injury lawyers are still recommended for best results.

Getting the services of a reliable lawyer will certainly help you increase the chances for success especially for worker’s compensation claims. An expert help can definitely prevent any additional complication about the case. You can be sure to be well informed on how much medical attention and insurance coverage you should get. These lawyers can even help you apply for special employment arrangements following an injury. You can never go wrong with the right provider to back you up.
It is advised to seek the help of qualified attorneys to be more successful with your case. There can be a lot of legal procedures that should be accomplished the right way and the right attorney will take care of everything. You are actually risking the success of the entire case by not seeking the right professional help.

You should evaluate the chances for your case. Everybody knows that legal matters can be very challenging. Being the affected employee, you can only handle so much stress. It is still best to seek the help of a reliable provider who can accomplish things legally. Be relieved from all the hassles and let the experts handle your case. For more tips and information about workers compensation check out John Fox and Associates in New Orleans

Monday, April 28, 2014

Workers Compensation Exemption Overview

http://www.johnfoxassociates.com workers compensation system tries to streamline the process in which work related illnesses and injuries are handled. The system provides general solution to employees suffering from work related injuries and illnesses without the need of the employees proving the fault. 

Therefore, it lowers the need for litigation as well as lowering the associated costs. Benefits from workers compensation insurance include temporary disability benefits, vocational rehabilitation, death benefits, medical care and permanent disability benefits.

Majority of the states requires the employers to have a workers’ compensation insurance which can compensate their workers in case they are injured or falls sick due to work related causes. 

Workers’ compensation insurance can be purchased from state workers compensation insurance or private insurance companies. In addition, an employer may be permitted by his state to self-insure for any claim which may come up. 

There are very few states which don’t need workers’ compensation insurance coverage by employers especially where there is a few numbers of workers than required.

Workers’ compensation insurance cover for most on job injuries and illnesses even those which result slowly a due to the working conditions. Coverage can apply to already existing conditions if they are aggravated by a subsequent work related condition. 

Workers’ compensation also apply to illnesses and injuries caused by worker’s own careless but with some exceptions. For example, if the injury is self inflicted or is as a result of alcohol or drug influence, the benefits might be denied.

Workers’ compensation plan limits the liability of the employer and of other employees. However, if an employee is injured due to a third party negligence, he or she may bring up a claim against the third party who has caused the injury.

For example, a worker may choose to take a manufacturer or even a supplier of a toxic substance which caused him or her injury. In addition, the employee can sue the owner of the building where this injury occurred.

If an employer causes the injury to an employee intentionally or recklessly, the employee may choose t avoid the workers’ compensation plan and take the claim to a court against his or her employer.

The following are treated just like other employees under the act.

· Students under work study programs
· Emergency medical technician volunteer
· Officers of municipal, nonprofit companies and religious leaders
· Special public officer who are appointed by commission of public safety

Finally, there are other state workers’ compensation plan exemptions which exist; Federal statute governs such situation. For example, federal employment compensation act normally cover majority of federal employees, in addition, it may cover some private maritime workers under the Harbor and Longshore workers’ compensation act.

Click here to contact your workers compensation lawyer now.

Workers Compensation Exemption

Accidents can cause injuries which may result in both financial losses as well as injuries to workers in factories or at other workplaces like construction sites. In many countries employers are expected to have a workers compensation policy in place to compensate them for the financial losses as well as injuries they are suffering due to the accident which took place at the workplace. However, like all policies, there are certain exemptions available to the employer, wherein they may claim workers compensation exemption and avoid paying the injured employee or pay a significantly lower amount as compensation.

Most employment contracts make it mandatory for the employee to report to the workplace in a sober state , without consuming any alcohol, drugs or intoxicating substance as it affects the efficiency and productivity at the workplace. In case there is an accident, and the worker suffers from injuries which may also be fatal, the employer may insist that the worker undergo a test to check if the worker was under the influence of any intoxicating substance when the accident occurred. Using this intoxicating substance before reporting to the workplace was both a breach of contract and affected the judgment of the worker, resulting in the accident.

Though worker compensation laws make it mandatory to offer worker compensation for workplace accidents, there are certain exceptions like breach of contract as a result of which the employer may claim worker compensation exemption. However, in such cases, the onus lies on the employer to prove that the worker was intoxicated when the accident occurred. The worker may have to undergo medical tests to provide proof that the worker was at fault, evidence of traces of the intoxicating substance in the bloodstream of the worker will be needed by the employer, before refusing the worker compensation claim.

In some cases, the employer may claim workers compensation exemption if the accident occurred due to the carelessness or negligence of the worker, who did not follow the stipulated guidelines for safe operation at the workplace. Most workers are provided extensive training by their employer, especially when they are working in hazardous areas, where the risk of an accident is high. It is often mandatory to wear safety gear like helmets, goggles, safety vests and safety shoes at the workplace, and if a worker fails to wear these safety gear and suffers injuries caused by the accident, the worker compensation amount paid to the worker or his family in case of fatal accidents may be reduced significantly.